Poor Credit Loans

Poor Credit Loans

Help Getting The Loan You Want With Poor Credit.
You Could Borrow Money Over A Term To Suit You.
Virtually Any Purpose & Amounts From £3,000 - £150,000.
All Quotes Free - If You Have Poor Credit Or Not.

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Highest Loan To Value Purchase Mortgages And Remortgages - Low Rate Loans From £5,000 To £150,000 - Release Your Equity With An Equity Release Plan
First Choice Finance have 25 years experience in arranging loans for people with poor credit profiles, so if you suffer with a poor credit history or have been turned down for a loan / finance elsewhere we still may be able to help you obtain a poor credit loan for virtually any purpose. loan with poor or low credit score Borrow from £3,000 - £150,000 & spread the payments over 36 to 240 months to suit your budget. Please complete the shorton line enquiry form or call 0800 298 3000 (freephone), 0333 0031505 (mobile friendly) and talk to one of our experienced UK loan team. The loan borrowing options we have access to are personal unsecured loans, secured homeowner loans and guarantor loans.

Different lenders use different criteria to determine if you are eligible for a loan, how much you can borrow and the cost of the loan, the main criteria the lenders use are:

  • Payment History - If you have missed payments on your existing credit such as credit cards, store cards, personal loans, phone contracts or other existing debts then this will affect your credit profile which may make finding a loan more difficult and increase the loan rate. However this does not apply to all loan providers - some of our lenders ignore any adverse over 12 months old.
  • Mortgage or Rent Arrears - Your mortgage / rent is probably your most important debt and missed mortgage payments could damage your credit profile, First Choice Finance do have a number of lenders who are still able to help even if you have missed payments on your mortgage
  • What Causes a Poor Credit Rating

  • High Loan To Value - Although not really considered in your credit profile, your loan to value is an important factor in most secured lenders criteria, the lower the loan to value the better the better the loan rate you may receive use our loan to value calculator to find out what your current LTV is
  • Time At Address - Many lenders like the fact that you have lived at your current address for a long period of time, if you have recently moved this doesn`t mean you wont be approved for a loan, but you will need to provide previous address information.
  • Employment Status - Affordability is an important aspect of the loan decision process, if you have a regular income then this helps us find you a lender, we also have numerous loans for self employed
Whatever your circumstances our dedicated loan team will search our panel of lenders to find a loan plan that is suitable for your needs, poor credit loans can be used for almost any purpose including consolidation of your existing debts.

guarantor loans online If you have a very poor credit profile, we will still aim to get you the loan you require, but if the loans seem increasingly expensive, we do have access to other possible loan options including guarantor loans, find out about on the First Choice Finance website.

Bad Credit Mortgage

If you have a poor credit profile and are a home owner or mortgage payer, a viable alternative to a loan with adverse / poor credit or a low credit rating may be to remortgage you property. First Choice Finance offer qualified mortgage advice and have access to a selection of mortgage lenders offering specialist poor credit mortgages and remortgages, that could be used to borrow money or consolidate existing debts into one manageable monthly repayment. Add that to the fact that we provide no obligation free quotations and you can see why it`s worth getting in touch

Security is required on immovable property.

Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help, go to moneyhelper.org.uk

Established In 1988. Company Registration Number 2316399. Authorised & Regulated By The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Firm Reference Number 302981. Mortgages & Homeowner Secured Loans Are Secured On Your Home. We Advice Upon & Arrange Mortgages & Loans. We Are Not A Lender.

First Choice Finance is a trading style of First Choice Funding Limited of 54, Wybersley Road, High Lane, Stockport, SK6 8HB. Copyright protected.